Dongguan Runzhi Electronics Co., Ltd.



Keywords :

Floor tester / Humidity Chamber / Aging tester

  • Hits : 107
  • Company : Dongguan Runzhi Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • Telephone : +86 13712847488
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Product Details

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Five Advantages Of Products

  • The measuring range is wide, the operation is simple, the measuring precision is high, the measuring speed is fast.
  • CAN INPUT 10 sets of temperature compensation value, automatic implementation of density or relative density compensation.
  • The sampling volume and sampling speed can be controlled by only one hand due to the small sample requirement.
  • Built-in water densitometer is easy to calibrate, air or reference material calibration can be performed.
  • The instrument is small in volume, light in weight and easy to carry

Product Details

The following is an introduction to the density meter:


Product Name: Precision Baumemeter, Hydrometer, Glass Density Meter

Product introduction: The densitometer is a sealed glass tube with uneven thickness. The lower part of the tube is equipped with a small amount of dense lead shot or mercury. It is manufactured and worked according to the principle that the buoyancy of an object floating in a liquid is equal to gravity . When using, put the density meter into the liquid to be measured vertically. After the density meter is stable, read the density of the liquid to be measured from its scale. The reading of the densitometer is the lower one, the upper one is smaller, and the unit is grams per cubic centimeter.

Indexing Bh: 0.001

Length: 310±10mm

Specifications: 0.6~0.7, 0.7~0.8, 0.8~0.9, 0.9~1.0, 1.0~1.1, 1.1~1.2, 1.2~1.3, 1.3-1.4, 1.4-1.5.

Material quality: glass

Weight: 10g

The density meter has a wide range of applications:


1. Those with a density greater than 1000/? are used to determine the density of various acid-base and salt aqueous solutions. For example, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and some inorganic or organic acids in acids, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), potassium hydroxide and other liquids in alkalis, zinc chloride and sodium chloride in salts Wait for the hydraulic fluid.

2. The density is less than I000/?, used to determine the density of methanol, ethanol, ether and other solutions, as well as gasoline, kerosene, vegetable oil, petroleum ether and other liquids.


Instructions for use of density meter:


1. First, select the float meter based on the density and accuracy of the measured liquid and recognize the standard temperature and scale value.

2. The float gauge should be cleaned carefully, hold it at the top of the tube, and pay attention to the vertical pick and place. ,,,,,,,

3. The cylinder containing the liquid must be cleaned so as not to affect the reading.

4. Fully agitate the liquid, and then gently float the float in the liquid after the bubbles are eliminated. Make the float float within the upper and lower three divisions of the detection point, and take the reading when there is a good meniscus.

5. When reading, the float meter should not be in contact with the wall, bottom of the vessel and the stirrer, and read the indicated value according to the reading method specified by the float meter.

6. When the liquid temperature does not match the standard temperature of the float meter, the reading should be corrected.


If you want to know more about the "density meter" or PVC floor testing equipment related information, welcome to inquire!


If you want to buy our company's density meter or other testing equipment, please call :86+ 13712847488

Dongguan Runzhi Electronics Co., Ltd.

Contact Person:  Mr. Zheng

Department: Business Department

Post: Sales Manager

Telephone: +86 13712847488

Landline: +86 13717173764

Company Address: Room 101, 33 Zhenma Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province,China

Factory Address: Room 101, No. 33 Zhenma Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province,China


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